The breathability of bras is depending upon the materials, it has little to do with the thickness. Come to think of it, a plastic bag is thin, but it is not breathable.

It may not be a cup size issue. You may have problem with bra bulge or side set breasts. ROMENSA bras have functional shaping effect and will help in re-positioning breast tissues. Constantly wear ROMENSA bras for 3 to 6 months to see the improvement, push your breasts and bra bulge to fill the bra cups every time when you go to the toilet, you will notice the difference after 3 to 6 months.

Side set breasts, bra bulge/ armpit fat, sagging breasts and back fat, all these problems are not formed in just 1 or 2 days. It’s impossible to see the improvement immediately after wearing ROMENSA bras for 1 or 2 days. With 2 or 3 bras, you will be able to constantly wear ROMENSA bras in rotation to achieve the functional shaping effect. If you wear ROMENSA bras and other bras in rotation, you will not see the results.

Many women are still wearing bras that don’t fit them and don’t seem to care about it. An ill-fitting bra will lead to the following problems: bra bulge, back fat, side set breasts and sagging breasts, bad posture and health issues such as breast, back, shoulder and neck pain, and blockage of the lymphatic system. Wearing a well fitted and supportive bra is important. Ladies, don’t forget to take good care of your natural assets. ROMENSA wireless functional shaping bras are designed to provide you with ultimate support and comfort for your breast health.

It is advisable to wear a sleeping bra, especially for women with larger breasts. When you are sleeping on your back without wearing a bra, your breasts will fall outward and sideways; and when you turn to the side, the top breast will stretch and sag. Wearing a sleep bra will provide side support to the breasts. Check out ROMENSA’s sleeping bras under the sleepwear series and the home care series bras which are non-wired, soft and comfortable for sleeping.

The average lifespan of a bra is 6 months to 1 year, depending on how often it is worn or after about 100 wears. An old bra will breed bacteria hence bras should be replaced regularly. Our breasts will change in size over time, choose the right bra size and style to give your delicate breasts the utmost care.

It is not recommended to wear ROSU shapewear during menstruation as the negative ion volcanic energy stone in ROSU shapewear may cause an increase in the amount of menstrual flow.

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